Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Census 2000 Data

            The maps depict Census 2000 data for three different data sets.  The first map shows the percentage of Asians in counties in the continental United States.  The colors represent a different range of percentages.  The lightest blue shows a range of 0.008506 to 1 percentage.  The majority of the United States falls within this range.  The counties in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota fall almost entirely in the 0.008506 to 1 percent range.  The next range, 1 to 5 percent of the population, has the second highest amount of counties within this range.  The Northeast and Southeast of the United States has a mixed percentage of 1 to 5 percent of the population as Asian.  The counties with the highest percentage of Asian are located along the east coast and the west coast.  In the east coast, New Jersey, Road Island, and Connecticut have most if not all of the counties with at least one percent of the population Asian.  California counties have the highest percentage of Asians living there.  California has a population of at least one percent Asian for most counties.  California is the only state on the map that has counties with 15 to 35 percent of the population Asian.  The county with the highest percentage of Asians in the United States is San Francisco with approximately 31 percent.  It is important to note that the intervals used on the graph are not equal.  This is because there is not a big spread in the percentage of data, therefore it was necessary to break up the ranges based on the spread of the data.

            The next map shows the percentage of Blacks in each county in the continental United States.  The light green color shows a range of 0.010289 to 5 percent of the county Black.  Almost all counties have at least 0.010289 percent of the population Black; the counties that have a percentage of Black less than 0.010289 percent are in white.  In the West and Midwest, a large number of states have counties that are only in the 0.010289 to 5 percent range.  States in the Northeast have some areas that have a percentage of Blacks between 5 and 15 percent.  Also, California has some counties with Blacks making up a percentage of 5 to 15 percent.  Counties in the Southeast have the highest percentage of the population as Black.  The states Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, North Dakota, and South Dakota have counties with the highest percentage of Blacks in the counties.  The darkest blue represents a percentage of Blacks in a county that ranges from 45 to 90 percent.  The county with the highest percentage of Blacks out of the United States is Jefferson County in Mississippi.

            The last map shows the percentage of counties with “Some Other” population.  According to the Census website “Some Other” race refers to races that are not included in “Black or African American,” “White,” “Asian,” “Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander,” and “American Indian and Alaska Native.”  Individuals that identify themselves as Hispanic/Latino, multiracial, interracial, or mixed are classified under this category.  The “Some Other” map shows that at almost all of the counties have individuals that fall within this category.  Along the Southeast, Northeast, and Midwest the majority of the counties have 0.007950 to 1 percent of their population listed as “Some Other” race.  In these areas some counties do have 1 to 5 percent of the population classified as “Some Other” race.  The counties with the highest population percentage of residents classified as “Some Other” race are along the West and Southwest.  In New Mexico and California there are quite a few counties that have between 20 and 40 percent of their population as “Some Other” race.  The county with the highest percentage of “Some Other” race is Imperial County in California.  The majority of the counties in the West and Southwest have at least 1 percent of their population as “Some Other” race, with many counties having a percentage of the population over 5 percent.  Whereas the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest have a majority of the counties with a percentage of less than 1 percent of the population as “Some Other” race.

            The Census data maps show a wide distribution of percentage of races within counties.  Overall, it seems that there is a higher percentage of Asians living in California and some Northeast states.  The highest percentage of Blacks live in the Southeast.  “Some Other” race has the highest percentage in the West and Southwest.  Census data is used to redraw the political districts.  Data on race may also be considered in redrawing boundaries because certain races may tend to vote a certain way.   For the data shown in the maps, it is important to note that the intervals of percentage of people in a county used for the maps is not the same.  This is due to people of different races living in different areas or being concentrated in some areas and not others.  For the Asian population and the “Some Other” population, some counties have very few individuals living there that are classified into these categories.  Due to this reason the intervals had to be spaced differently in order for a range of data to be shown.  For example, if the intervals were by 10 percent, the map would show very little variation.  It is important to choose a range and scale of data that represents the intent of the map and shows a spread of data.  Overall, Census data can be used for a number of different reasons and can be utilized by governments, companies, and organizations for a variety of different reasons.

            My GIS experience has been good for the most part.  I have learned more about GIS and was able to see how GIS is a part of our lives.  Making maps can be really challenging, but rewarding at the same time.  Maps are very powerful tools that help convey our message.  It is important to display your information accurately in order for the reader to understand the meaning of the map.  I have learned a lot about how user generated maps, such as Google MyMaps, and formal GIS software, such as ArcMap have both positive and negative aspects.  It is interesting to see how maps are changing to become more user friendly, but yet at the same time are maintaining the accuracy of the data and their professional nature.  I hope to learn more about GIS and how it can be applied to a number of different fields.  GIS is not just limited to a map of the globe, be can show environmental issues, geographic information, and thematic content among others.  I think that GIS is important to how we see data and interpret data and I hope to learn more about GIS and map making.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Station Fire

DEM of Southern California including Los Angeles County
DEM of the Station Fire area

Thematic Map from the Los Angeles Times

            The Station Fire that occurred in Southern California is displayed in the map above for August 29 to September 2.  The area burned is shown for each day at the time indicated on the legend.  The map shows that as the days progressed, the fire kept spreading out.  According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Station fire burned 160,557 acres (California Department).  The digital elevation model (DEM) is also shown for the Station Fire.  The first DEM shows the elevation for a large area of Southern California, which includes Los Angeles County.  The second DEM displays the elevation for the Station Fire only.  The source of the Station Fire perimeter data was taken from the Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS website (Los Angeles County).

            Southern California is a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers.  There are three different fire levels.  The first level is ground fires that occur in soils with organic material.  The second level is surface fires that burn the ground and the vegetation.  The last level is crown fires that burn at the top of shrubs and trees.  Crown fires spread the fastest out of the three levels and have larger flame lengths.  Most fires in Southern California occur in summer and fall when the conditions are dry and there are strong winds, particularly Santa Ana wind conditions.  Most fires in Southern California are caused by human activity.  (Safe Landscapes).  A combination of the Mediterranean climate and the vegetation affect the spread and intensity of the fires.

            Vegetation fuels the fire and affects its intensity.  Chaparral dominates the mountains and foothills of Southern California.  Fires burning chaparral burn hot and have large blames and many embers.  Sage scrubs are deciduous shrubs that burn frequently and easily.  If sage scrub fires burn too often, the native sage scrub can be replaced by invasive species, causing future fires to burn stronger.  Oaks are not very flammable and they do provide shade that allows more non-flammable plants to grow.  Their shade also keeps the area cool and less prone to fires (Safe Landscapes).  These are a few of the different types of native species in Southern California.

            The threat of global warming can cause an increase in wildfires.  It is estimated that if temperatures rise between 5.5 and 8°F, there will be a 20 percent increase in fires by the middle of the century and at the end of the century there will be a 50 percent increase in fires.  Precipitation will also contribute to the increase in fires.  If the climate gets drier, it is expected that wildfires will increase.  An increase in fires will result in the state paying more money for fire prevention measures.  There are strong health effects associated with an increase in fire pollution.  An increase in fires will result in an increase in mudslides and flooding due to less vegetation on the slopes (Global Warming).  Due to the decrease in water that Southern California may face as a result of a decrease in precipitation and less snow stored in the snow packs, the fire season may be longer than what it currently is (Safe Landscapes.)  With the increased threat of global warming, it is important for California to begin taking actions to mediate the effects of more fires and the aftermath of the fires.

            The Station Fire in August and September of 2009 had a significant impact on the landscape.  The thematic map shown above is taken from Google Maps and shows the perimeter of the fire, points of interests, homes that have been damaged, and areas that have been contained among other things.  This map is a good schematic of the area burned and what is located in the area (Fire map).  On the website, users have the option to add new features to the map or to take away features.  The Station Fire began on August 26 and was not fully contained until October 16.  The terrain was rugged and steep.  The source of the fire was arson. Two firefighters were killed while trying to contain the flames.  22 other people were injured as a result of the fire.  This was the 10th largest fire in California since 1933 (Station Fire).  Fires can be deadly and it is essential for proper steps to be taken to help mediate the effects of the fires.


California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.  State of California, 2007.  22 November 2009.  <>

Fire Map updated: Work continues to close containment gaps.  Los Angeles Times.  10 September 2009.  22 November 2009.  <>

Global Warming and California Wildfires.  Union of Concerned Scientists.  22 November 2009.  <>

Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS.  2007-2009.  16 November 2009.  <>

Safe Landscapes: Sustainable and Fire-Safe.  University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.  2009.  23 November 2009.  <>

Station Fire.  InciWeb.  10 November 2009.  23 November 2009.  <>

Monday, November 16, 2009

Spatial Analysis of Angola, Africa

            The area shown is of Angola, Africa.  The extent of this area is -10.8129166676 decimal degrees for the top extent, 13.8920833397 decimal degrees for the left extent, 16.6379166729 decimal degrees for the right extent, and -14.6029166675 decimal degrees for the bottom extent.  The Geographic Coordinate System is GCS_WGS_1984.  The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) of Angola is 33.  Angola is located in West, Africa.  Angola is bordered by Zambia, Namibia, Republic of the Congo, and the South Atlantic Coast.  The elevation of Angola ranges from 3,000 to 6,000 feet or 914 to 1,829 meters.  The geography of Angola consists of the coast, the hills and mountains, and the high plateau.  The Central Plateau runs through Angola.  The plateau has an elevation of 4,000 to 6,000 feet.  Angola’s highest point is Morro de Môco at 2,620 meters.  There are a lot of rivers in Angola that for the most part flow towards the west to empty into the Atlantic Ocean.  An interesting fact about Angola is that it is the second highest producing country of diamonds and petroleum in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Monday, November 9, 2009

            Map projections in GIS project the shape of three-dimensional earth using mathematical formulas onto a two-dimensional surface.  Projections cause the map to be distorted while other characteristics are maintained.  The three different map projections used in this exercise are: Conformal, Equal Area, and Equal Distant.  It is significant to use the right projection for a map because different projections distort different features.  For example, if the map shows the area of snow melting in the Arctic, is it important to use the Equal Area map projection so the area shown is not distorted.   Map projections Sinusoidal and Hammer-Aitoff can be used for mapping snow pack in the Arctic.  Conformal maps, such as Mercator and Gall Stereographic, preserve angles of the surface.  Conformal maps are used for navigating ships. Equidistant maps, like Equidistant Conic and Equidistant Cylindrical, show the correct distance from the center of the projection to any other points.  One use for equidistant maps is for seismic mapping.  Map projections are significant to a variety of different fields and are significant for displaying the data in different ways.  All of the map projections have positive and negative aspects.  It is important to choose the correct map projection for the information that is being shown in the map.

            It is important to know the limitations of the map projections in order to accurately display the information.  One peril to map projections is that not all of the projections can represent the same data.  For example, mapping nautical patterns and ice patterns need different types of projections.  Another problem with map projections is that not all projections within the same category show the same information.  For the Equidistant maps above, Equidistant Conic and Equidistant Cylindrical do not show the same distance from Washington, D.C. to Kabul, Afghanistan.  Even though these maps maintain distance, they show different distance values.  One reason why Equidistant mapping is not consistent in all map projections is because the map is equal distant from the center of the projection to other points.  For example, if the center of the map is Los Angeles, he distance from Los Angeles to any other location will be accurate.  If we used this same map to find the distance from San Diego to Las Vegas, we would not get the correct distance because neither of these points are the center of the map projection.  For the Equidistant maps above, the center of the projections were at different locations which is why the distance between Washington D.C. and Kabul are not the same.  It is important to know which projections correspond to different areas.  Some projections are world projections whereas some projections are specific to a certain continent or country. 

             Conformal maps and Equal Area maps also have issues to be cautious of.  An issue to be aware of for Conformal maps is that the angles of the map are preserved, but the shape of the map is only preserved with small areas.  This can be a problem when mapping the earth since it is dealing with a very large area.  For the two different conformal maps above, the distance between the two locations is different.  The Mercator map above shows the earth as taller and thinner compared to the Gall Stereographic which shows the earth more proportional.  Also the poles on the Mercator map are elongated compared to the Gall Stereographic.   Equal Area projections also have flaws in its design.  The Sinusoidal map projection above shows the poles pointed whereas the Hammer-Aitoff shows the poles rounded.  Although this projection conserves area, the distance between Washington D.C. and Kabul are very close with both projections showing a distance close to 8,000 miles.  One thing to note about these projections is that the parallels are curved for the Hammer-Aitoff and the parallels are straight for the Sinusoidal.  There is no distortion along the equator for the Sinusoidal and Hammer-Aitoff projections.  Different map projections distort different features.  By knowing which features are distorted, the best projection can be used to display the data.

            Although all map projections distort a feature, projections are very useful when mapping different features.  By having different projections, it is possible to see different areas of earth emphasized.  A potential of map projections is to emphasis different features while deemphasizing other features.  By using specific projections for specific topics, we can get more accurate maps.  Having a variety of projections to choose from allows us to pick the projection that will most accurately display the data.  If the only map projection available was Conformal projection for example, then the distance between two locations would never be accurately shown on the map.  The same is true for Equal Area; if the only map projection available was Conformal, then the area in the poles would always be distorted and the poles would always seem significantly larger than they are.  Another potential of map projections is to use them in physics and engineering.  By having different map projections, engineers can choose the projection that gives them the most reliable information.  This helps to reduce engineering problems.  If engineers need to know the exact distance to a specific location, they would use Equal Distance projections and not Equal Area or Conformal projections.  Another potential and one of the most significant potentials of projections is for Climate Change data.  Having different map projections allows us to map a variety of different factors related to Climate Change including: ice and glacier melting, temperature changes, precipitation patterns, and sea level among others.  Map projections can help us predict changes and helps us to analyze current patterns.  They are essential in showing areas of concern and areas that are relatively stable.  Although there are many different types of map projections, the possibilities in mapping important geographic and environmental data are endless.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


ArcMap is a tool used to make maps.  There are many potentials as well as many pitfalls to the ArcMap software.  Being able to display layers of data or different data sets at the same time is a potential of GIS.  This gives users the ability to see different aspects of an area.  For example in this exercise, I was able to see the county boundaries and also see which schools were within the noise contour.  Being able to select different features of the data helps to see areas of concern, areas that can be improved, and areas with certain features among other things.  Another potential of the map is being able to display graphical data next to the map.  Having the option of displaying a graph or chart along with the map allows the user to gain more information about the map and to show the data behind the map.  The maps can be customized to what you want displayed simply by displaying or adding certain features.

While using ArcMap I learned many different things about what can be produced on the map and what the limitations are.  GIS has the potential to create maps, modify maps, and edit the content stored within the map.  I found it interesting that I could display data from a map source and also edit the contents.  It was interesting that I was able to modify the road by making it longer and making the road curve.  This allows users to create “what if” scenarios to see what the space will look like it certain changes are made.  This feature is also useful for people developing land because they can add roads, buildings, etc. and see how it fits into the geography.   Another potential of GIS is being able to add your own content to it.  For example, after adding to the road, I was able to add the name of the street to the data and store it.

One of the pitfalls of using ArcMap is that there is a limit to what can be displayed on the map.  In order to display a map, the area and the features need to be well defined.  With using this software, I am not able to display a map of a location that does not have a defined location.  Such as West LA; it is difficult to plot this area because it does not have a distinct boundary and the definition of the area varies by individual.  Having to know the geographic location and coordinates makes it hard to display certain features.  For example, if you want to plot a specific tree in a forest, you need to know the specific coordinates of that tree in order to display it accurately.  In order for me to create a map that would be practical in ArcMap, I need to have a defined location and defined features.

Another pitfall of ArcMap is that it is not user-centric.  The map cannot be made into a dynamic map that merges media such as videos and pictures into the map.  ArcMap is more rigid than user interfaces such as Google MyMaps.  Although the map is more “professional” and is upheld to certain guidelines and standards, it is difficult for the map to bring in other information and media that may make the map easier to understand or may enhance the point of the map.  When GIS and dynamic maps start to merge there will be more possibilities in map making and conveying geographic information.

GIS has a lot of potential in being able to display a variety of features and to edit data.  Although there are a lot of potentials of GIS, there are also some limitations and pitfalls of the software.  It is important to realize the limitations of the software in order to maximum the full potential of GIS.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Theme Parks in California

View Theme Parks in California in a larger map

            Neogeography is changing the way people use maps and the way information is presented.  Neogeography is useful because it conveys information about a location to individuals.  One of the pitfalls of neogeography is that the information provided may not always be correct or the most accurate.  For example, in the above map, although I tried my best to present the most accurate information, it is still possible that I left out theme parks in California or some of the parks may no longer be operating.  Neogeography depends on the amount of data available to the creators and users, therefore if the data is not up-to-date, the map will represent incorrect content.

            The potential of neogeography is limitless.  People have the flexibility to share whatever content they would like and present it in anyway they chose.  The possibilities of neogeography are endless because users can always create different maps that display a variety of content.  Neogeography also allows users to become mapmakers.  Therefore, amateurs and non-professionals have the ability to make maps with little to no formal training.   In a sense, everyone is a mapmaker.  Neogeography is expanding the way people think about geographic content and the way it is presented.

            One of the consequences of neogeography is that since everyone has the potential to make a map without training, it is difficult to know if the content is reliable.  Neogeographers may or may not have a background in map making and therefore it is difficult to know how credible a map is if it is not distributed through the government or a specific company.  Another consequence of neogeography is that formal maps may not have as much of an impact on its users because individuals become accustomed to user-friendly interfaces.  By exposing the population to neogeography, formal maps will become more foreign to individuals.  It is important to recognize both the positives and negatives of neogeography in order for neogeography and its users to be successful at conveying geographic content.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The 7.5 Minute Map

1. What is the name of the quadrangle?

Beverly Hills Quadrangle


2. What are the names of the adjacent quadrangles?

The adjacent quadrangles are: Canoga park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, and Inglewood


3. When was the quadrangle first created?

The quadrangle was first created in 1966.


4. What datum was used to create your map?

The North American Datum of 1927 was used to create this map.


5. What is the scale of the map?

The scale of the map is 1:24 000.


6. At the above scale, answer the following:

a) 5 centimeters on the map is equivalent to how many meters on the ground?

5 centimeters on the map is equivalent to 240 meters on the ground.


b) 5 inches on the map is equivalent to how many miles on the ground?

5 inches on the map is equivalent to 1.894 miles on the ground.


c) one mile on the ground is equivalent to how many inches on the map?

1 mile on the ground is equivalent to 2.64 inches on the map.


d) three kilometers on the ground is equivalent to how many centimeters on the map?

3 kilometers on the ground is equivalent to 12.5 centimeters on the map.


7. What is the contour interval on your map?

The contour interval on the map is 20 feet.


8. What are the approximate geographic coordinates in both degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degrees of:

a) the Public Affairs Building;

The approximate geographic coordinates of the Public Affairs Building are 34º04’09”N or 34.6692º for latitude and 118º4’4”W or 118.6678º for longitude.


b) the tip of Santa Monica pier;

The approximate geographic coordinates of the tip of the Santa Monica pier are 34º00’27”N or 34.0075º for latitude and 118º00’08”W or 118.0022º for longitude.


c) the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir;

The approximate geographic coordinates of the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir are 34º07’12”N or 34.1195º for latitude and 118º24’39”W or 118.5083º for longitude.


9. What is the approximate elevation in both feet and meters of:

a) Greystone Mansion (in Greystone Park);

The elevation of Greystone Mansion is approximately 560 meters or 1837 feet.


b) Woodlawn Cemetery;

The elevation of the Woodland Cemetery is approximately 140 meters or 459 feet.


c) Crestwood Hills Park;

The elevation of Crestwood Hills Park is approximately 700 meters or 2297 feet.


10. What is the UTM zone of the map?

 The UTM zone of the map is zone 11, with 10,000-foot ticks.


11. What are the UTM coordinates for the lower left corner of your map?

The UTM coordinates for the lower left corner are 3763000 for the north and 362000 for the west.


12. How many square meters are contained within each cell (square) of the UTM gridlines?

There are 1,000,000 square meters contained within each square of the UTM gridlines.

13. Obtain elevation measurements, from west to east along the UTM northing 3771000, where the eastings of the UTM grid intersect the northing. Create an elevation profile using these measurements in Excel (hint: create a line chart). Figure out how to label the elevation values to the two measurements on campus. Insert your elevation profile as a graphic in your blog.



14. What is the magnetic declination of the map?

The magnetic declination of the map is 14º.


15. In which direction does water flow in the intermittent stream between the 405 freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir? (estimate, ex: north to south)

The direction of water flow between the 405 freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir is from north to south.


16. Crop out (i.e., cut and paste) UCLA from the map and include it as a graphic on your blog.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obesity Rates in Britain

This map shows obesity rates in Britain as reported by health care organizations for the years 2006-2007. The map can be found on the BBC website at:
On this map there are five different colors that each represent an obesity rate. Yellow areas represent the lowest obesity rates. Orange areas represent a medium rate of obesity. Red areas show the highest rate of obesity. Scotland, the northern half of the map, tends to have lower obesity rates than Wales and England. Scotland’s highest obesity levels are on the island to the northwest. England is fairly diverse in its obesity rates. The lowest obesity rates in England are in the south. Wales has the highest obesity rates and most of Wales has high and highest obesity color ratings. This map is interesting because it shows obesity rates, but the map does not explain what a low, medium, and high rate of obesity mean. By looking at the map, the reader does not know what percentage of individuals are obese or how close the obesity rates are compared to one another. On the article that accompanies the map, obesity rate percentages are listed for some cities. Another interesting feature about the map is the north and south ends of mainland Britain overall tend to have a lower rate of obesity. It would be interesting to find out why these areas tend to have lower obesity rates than the middle regions of Britain.

Ecological Regions of the U.S.-Mexico Border

This map depicts ecological regions around the United States and Mexico border. This map can be found on the USGS website at:
Six different ecological regions and eight different environmental health zones are depicted on this map. The environmental health regions are smaller than the ecological regions. The Chihuahuan Desert is the biggest ecological region on the map shown in green. The two largest environmental health areas are number five and six, which are both part of the Chihuahuan Desert. An interesting point to take away from this map is that these ecological regions are shared by both the United States and Mexico, making it essential for both countries to be aware of these areas and any areas of concern, including environmental health regions, shared between the two countries. Another interesting point of the map is that roughly half of the environmental health regions are in the United States and the other half are in Mexico. However, for the ecological regions, more of the land is in Mexico, especially the Chihuahuan Desert. The United States-Mexico border is important in terms of geography and ecology.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

United States Streamflow Conditions for September 2000

This map can be found on the USGS website at:

The map shows the streamflow conditions in the United States for Septmeber 2000. The blue regions had above normal streamflow. The red regions had below average streamflow. The white ares had normal streamflow conditions for the month. A significant number of the states had below average streamflow. Twenty-six states had at least some portion of the state below average streamflow conditions. These areas are predomintaly in the South. There are also two large patches covering Montana and Maine. This map is interesting because it shows that water supply is below average in some areas. This map is important because it can help the United States plan ahead for water shortages in these areas. I also found this map interesting because there was below average streamflow conditions in the Los Angeles area. Today we are still having water shortage issues in Los Angeles. This was the most recent map on the USGS website about streamflow conditions. It would be interesting to see if maps from 2000-present all show Los Angeles as having below average streamflow conditions and if the size of the area has increased over the past nine years.